If one step is possible, you have three options for input:
0 - you're not doing it yet
1 - you do it partially, so more than nothing and less than half of what is possible
2 - you do more than half of the possible
3 - you do it completely
With the previous year's value, you indicate what you have done so far, and with the current value, what you are doing now and will implement by the end of the year.
Your country has most likely real green electricity providers, as they purchase or implement the appropriate capacities of green electricity for each customer. The other electricity providers only offer an electricity mix. The share of green electricity is sold more expensively as an eco-tariff to some customers, while the other customers theoretically only receive the shares of gas, coal, etc. http://www.imodeler.info/ro?key=CF8Gsu47BnYHLi5NHUWXKVA
It is always a consideration whether the further use of an older device does not require less energy or water than the production of a new, energy-efficient device. Therefore, the energy requirement along the entire product life cycle (from production to use to disposal) must be considered. Sometimes someone needs a different device and can't afford a new one - then a used device from someone who has bought a new, more economical device, of course, also makes sense. With some devices, the top values are only achieved with large quantities, i.e. washing machines with a lot of capacity. It is to see whether the top values also apply with lower filling quantities, for example for single households.
LED 'light bulbs' are now available for really all lamps, even with pleasantly warm light colors.
We have to use all suitable areas for photovoltaics (PV), as the variants on open spaces restrict nature and agriculture. A trend is PV on stilts, so that it can still be gardened or cultivated underneath. But that costs building material. Photovoltaics has become amazingly inexpensive today thanks to cheap panels from China. Unfortunately, there is hardly any money to make from the feed into the power grid, currently about 8 cents per kWh in Germany. Therefore, PV should always be combined with its own electricity storage (own step, see below) so that as much electricity as possible is consumed by yourself. This then saves approx. 25 to 35 cents per kWh (depending on your tariff), which we would otherwise have to pay to the electricity provider. In this way, your own PV system, adapted to your own electricity consumption, pays off after just a few years. If you have a car, you should take into account its consumption (even if it is not yet an electric car). Then the savings are much bigger. The banks like to give loans for PV, quite often it is also being subsidized. In addition, there are also providers who take over the costs and virtually rent the roof area and offer discounted electricity in return. Such providers then form so-called virtual power plants with other houses and their batteries. For such a dependency, you should inform yourself well about what is best for you.
Standby power consumption is often reminded and extrapolated. For example, if a TV consumes 5 watts in standby, that is 120 watt hours (Wh) per day, i.e. about one eighth of a kilowatt hour, which costs about 35 cents. So hardly anyone will get up from the sofa for 5 cents a day and press the switch on the TV, or turn off the WLAN router at night, or shut down the computer. Or is it? And how many watt hours could be saved daily in all households? Would this consideration influence your actions?
Modern lamps require little electricity, and yet it is worthwhile not to let them burn unnecessarily, for example when we are not in the room for a long time.
The compensation of greenhouse gas emissions is very controversial. Someone flies, drives a car or organizes a barbecue and donates an amount for the associated greenhouse gas emissions to a service provider who promises projects for greenhouse gas saving / binding (e.g. via forest afforestation). Unfortunately, many providers prove to be fraudulent because they do not achieve the promised effect at all. So only reputable providers should be supported. In addition, the compensation should not be misunderstood as a free ticket. It is therefore important to avoid emissions as much as possible and only compensate for the rest (see also the point Donations).
Apart from the fact that every device can have a high power consumption, a refrigerator is not regularly defrosted, the door seal is leaking, the washing machine is driven with too high temperatures and spin numbers, etc., there are still some unnecessary things that consume a lot of electricity: Tumble dryer, sauna, dehumidifier, pond pumps, aquarium heaters, terrace heaters, etc. The easiest way is to see to what extent you deviate from the average consumption in Germany and then think about what it is. If you are charging an electric car at home, you should see what can be attributed to it (either the car offers this evaluation or you use a separate electricity meter for this).
Long and hot showers mean water and energy consumption and ultimately high costs. The other effects are even more impressive in the network - or did you know that long showering can be responsible for refugees and the quality of life in Germany? http://www.imodeler.info/ro? key=Ceju1XNHCFZBJc2MpbAOl5Q We simply take a Spartaste when flushing the toilet for granted.
A lot of water is needed for daily fresh towels and frequently changed bed linen. Here in the bathroom, a sign can explain that towels only get into the laundry when they are on the floor. It is even easier if the guest calls for the cleaning of the room in the first place by means of a sign on the door.
Tourist offers can do without the pool, make it small, minimize its contamination (covering, indication of previous shower, effective filters), or fill it with seawater
Appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers must specify a value for water consumption when buying new. It is therefore worthwhile to compare water and energy consumption equally and also to research corresponding test reports, for example from Öko-Test or Stiftung Warentest.
In most living rooms and bedrooms it is too warm in winter - we walk around in a T-shirt instead of putting on thick sweaters and sweaters. The energy-saving potential is considerable. When lowering the temperature, attention must be paid to the indoor climate and the possible risk of mold formation. This depends above all on the humidity.
Air conditioning systems are also gaining in importance in temperate latitudes. Intelligent construction and ventilation and the use of thermal protection roller blinds can avoid these power guzzlers. In warm regions, a corresponding education of the guests can take place. Often a fan is also useful.
Intelligent ventilation does not mean too late and not too long. It is too late when we get tired when the air is used up, get a headache and the humidity becomes too high. It is too long when the air has already been replaced and is cool, but we also ventilate the materials (walls, furniture) even longer. Heat ultimately means that things or air vibrate. When the air is exchanged, but the objects and walls are still vibrating, the fresh air is quickly heated. Even if the walls get cold, mold can form on them and we need expensive heating energy to make everything vibrate again. By the way, CO2 measuring devices help to ventilate in time and not for too long. However, these should not be a useless gadget, but perhaps used for practice one after the other in the rooms and gladly lent. A nice game is the competition, how good the sense of the people in the room is to ventilate in time and not too long.
Fortunately, tap water has long been a trend. There are drinking water dispensers in schools and the students have their drinking bottles with them, and managers also bring their drinking bottles to workshops. Many children do not even get used to the unhealthy sugar drinks. Tap water is more strictly controlled than bottled drinks and saves a lot of energy and packaging. Even with motorhomes or boats or in places with the smell of chlorine in the water, we can save a lot of money, energy and packaging through good and regularly exchanged filters.
Guests can be encouraged to arrive without a car. Already on the website, guest companies and organizers can advertise it, show public transport, make combined offers, offer a shuttle service to the train station, etc.
If you do not have a garage or courtyard entrance with your own socket, you are dependent on charging options in public space and at the workplace. However, the charging options, which were initially underutilized, must first be there, but then people switch to electric cars with a time delay. Providing guests and employees with enough charging stations here is a real competitive advantage.
Local public transport and also long-distance transport by train and bus (in the case of bus, the road infrastructure is still required) means considerably less energy and resource requirements than individual transport with cars or motorcycles. Long-distance buses only perform so well because they are limited to well-used routes, while the train also runs at unfavorable times and has to connect remote places, which then leads to less than half-full trains. Hospitality companies can encourage their guests to travel on site by public transport, e.g. simple information about HOW, with information about WHY, or even with free tickets.
What has recently been a successful model in some countries and cities is still a problem in Germany: to give cyclists priority over car traffic. The willingness to ride a bike, even in bad weather, is higher than ever. E-cargo bicycles make it possible to at least do without the second car. A guest business can do a lot from a safe bicycle shelter with charging possibility to rental bicycles.
Especially older e-bikes have to be loaded more often and many shy away from the bicycle holiday because the bikes are no longer the newest. Hosts could set up a repair station here.
No question - leaving the car and taking the bike is a proud feeling and healthy. If you don't want to exhaust yourself - for example on the way to the restaurant or museum, you can consider an e-bike. If you have a lot to transport, a cargo bike. And if you shy away from bad weather, you will find great cycling clothing today, which completely refutes the argument. Hosts can actively advertise their offer here.
Consistently separating waste, including green waste, glass and paper, is not as self-evident as can be assumed. Many make little effort here and don't really know what belongs in which bin. The residual waste bin also costs the public sector a lot of money, while the recyclable and green waste bin are free of charge. But also special waste, such as batteries, incandescent lamps, electrical appliances, etc. must be disposed of properly. Hospitality businesses and events can place separating waste bins with information signs everywhere. In general, it is also possible that a sign indicates that the cleaners take over the separation for the guests. But better, the guests can do that.
Non-recycled paper is often cheaper, but means cutting of forests, contamination of water during production and a high energy requirement. Recycled paper for toilet paper, writing paper, packaging, envelopes, wrapping paper, etc. should be a matter of course today. But we have to pay attention to it and choose it. Recycled paper is also snow-white, but it should then not be bleached with chlorine but oxygen. A note on the menu can make you proud and contribute to corporate identity.
Saving paper helps to protect forests - recycling paper also ultimately means more demand for fresh pulp from trees. We don't even need to print many things in the first place, but can save them on devices that we already have. For internal processes but also for dialogue with customers, digital forms should continue to prevail. So the guests are welcome to ask if they need a paper version of the invoice.
Many things are actually thrown away, although others could still do something with it. It is more convenient for us not to repair it than to have a stand at the flea market or to have to send it for little money. But the good feeling of doing the right thing motivates.
It is hard to believe that the future of our diet depends on the use of pesticides and their influence on insects that have to pollinate our plants. Many pollinators are threatened with extinction and in addition to the purchase of organic, we can offer these insects flowers on our areas. In fact, some plants are neither bee-nor bird-friendly. On the other hand, fruit trees and most vegetables are already great opportunities to promote bees, bumblebees, etc. At the flower meadows there are one- and multi-year-olds.
Do we harm the regional organic farmers when crops, such as orchards, grow on public land? No, because hardly anyone will be able to take care of it themselves. Rather, the main problem is the use of land. English lawns, ornamental plants, weed destruction, etc. harm the soil and biodiversity. Instead, nature-friendly crops are needed. If a company shies away from the maintenance effort, permaculture and the cultivation of perennial plants may make sense. Also, the cooperation with beekeepers and school classes, the possibility of public gardening and sponsorships are great measures for a better world. Urban gardening is also popular when companies have raised beds on their roofs and offer guests something to relax and have a bite.
Sidewalks can be kept mechanically or by flames weed-free or the herb can also grow sometimes. The beds can be kept mechanically herb-free or laid out from the outset in such a way that herb does not matter. Pesticides are one of the main causes of species extinction and water pollution.
Basically, there are three types of banks - the inexpensive online banks with great conditions, the local savings banks and cooperative banks or branches of the major banks, and a very few real eco-banks (GLS Bank, Triodos, ....). The savings interest rates of green banks are quite decent, while the short-term interest rates and fees are less attractive. But all sorts of things are not financed without regard to ethical and ecological standards. Even the local banks focus on the maximum return here. Globally, Green Finance already plays a huge role. Investors pay attention to ethical standards and thus put pressure on the industry to adhere to standards or even become a pioneer.
Actually, it is logical that green investments have to yield the most return - but to be fair, it must be said that at least in the short term, bad fluctuations also happen here. With the Ukraine attack by Russia, money was withdrawn from renewable energies and relocated to the old oil industry and weapons production. Due to homemade problems, e-mobility does not get going and suddenly the prices of lithium suppliers are swaying. (not every lithium supplier is sustainable) On the other hand, investments in wind and solar parks or crowd financing of other sustainable projects, such as energy renovation, are solid. Companies can also take sustainable criteria into account when investing as far as permissible or also accompany citizen energy projects.
This is about living and working in the region, about strengthening the community. The birdhouse from a social workshop or the PV system from the electrician on site (if he has further training). The award criteria of the municipalities must of course be legally secure. If the work is good, a discreet advertising sign can also draw attention to the craft business in return.
At Fair-Trade, we usually think of the label of the same name - which is no longer in disrepute. But there are also other labels - some rather greenwashing, some quite trying to do better. Fair is not always the same as organic and organic is not always fair (but some labels combine both). The importance is immense: fair working conditions in the world ensure less migration, more climate protection and a more peaceful world. Extremely remarkable is the background of chocolate and the connection between child slavery (!) And the common products from Nutella to children's chocolate to the Mars bar: https://edition.cnn.com/world/freedom-project Companies and events can therefore be pioneers for a better world themselves here in the food or in the work clothes or the hand-sewn football.
Many people who earn above average can only do this because others earn below average. The gap between rich and poor is getting bigger and bigger. Consumers complain about cheap wages, but the price increase by 50 cents is rarely accepted. What we deserve is not, as liberals or neoliberals like to think, just a question of diligence. It is the product (!) Out of diligence, skill and the right framework conditions. Anyone who knows many talented and hard-working people who are simply not lucky develops empathy and is willing to pay more, even if it is through tips. Companies can set an example in the case of remuneration, in particular for less well-paid activities within the scope of their possibilities.
Volunteering, whether at the fire brigade, in the sports club or the help in the neighborhood, is enormously important for togetherness and society.
Societies must take in refugees - no matter how many there are. To be distinguished from this is the number of those who we can also permanently integrate into our society and also have to with regard to our economy and retirement provision or demographic change. A tourist company should actively advance and help to accept people with a migration background within the scope of the legal possibilities. Linguistically, English is sometimes the lowest common denominator that can also be chosen in tourist companies. As far as it is legal, we should help these people.
Social department stores are usually organized as a private sector or as an association. A company can support them with material and financial resources.
Cultural promotion can take place in all facets - from young people who make music to exhibitions to the care of traditional festivals.
Educational trails, information boards, exhibitions, excursions, etc., if necessary also together with schools and nature conservation organizations.
Globally, conventional cotton is an environmental problem due to the use of sprays and the high water consumption. In addition, the textile factories poison entire rivers and exploit people during conventional dyeing. In addition to ecological cotton, there are other natural fibers with sometimes much less damage to the environment. In the case of virgin wool, attention must be paid to the certification, which excludes animal suffering. By the way, there is now also outdoor clothing made of densely woven organic cotton as an alternative to the plastic fibers. Plastic fibers always allow microplastics to enter the wastewater during washing and microplastics in the environment may lead to multi-resistant super germs - a long history. With the points for clothing, if you do not buy conventional cotton, but sometimes choose recycled and sometimes organic cotton, you can give a full 3 points for both. By the way, organic is also possible with curtains, tablecloths and bed linen!!!
This is about workwear or, for example, in the tourism sector clothing with advertising. Vegan shoes and belts are no longer distinguishable from their leather variants. And who pays attention to the fact that the tanning processes do not allow heavy metals to enter the environment or that the leather is certified accordingly? We should be careful with some plastics, such as PVC with plasticizers, which are also not good for the environment.
All major drugstore discounters now have natural cosmetics in all areas - from deodont to lipstick to sunscreen (although sustainable sunscreens are a real challenge, as tests prove again and again). On the one hand, natural cosmetics are usually healthier, and on the other hand, no non-degradable substances enter the environment. In the tourism sector, it is accordingly about the soaps in the toilet facilities and on the rooms including shower gels.
Organic cleaning agents can be found in all supermarkets and drugstores. An essential feature is biodegradability and, of course, the vegetable raw materials as an alternative to petroleum-based raw materials. Even if conventional cleaning agents are classified as safe, organic cleaning agents are certainly safer and are less harmful to health and also burden the sewage treatment plants less.
Many furniture cannot stand being moved or even disassembled and reassembled. They are primarily cheap and the business model is that after a few years we want to buy new furniture. Looking at how valuable the furniture is and then being able to repair it takes us a whole lot further on the way to a better world. It is also amazing what good pieces there are on the used market.
Ecological furniture is made of natural materials without questionable chemical additives or varnishes. They are usually very expensive, but also last many decades and can usually be easily repaired and renovated.
Many devices from vacuum cleaners to cordless screwdrivers to TVs are amazingly inexpensive today. Relying on valuable devices that last a long time, or even buying used devices, helps to save raw materials and energy.
Unfortunately, many devices can no longer be repaired at all, for example if the control unit breaks down from the washing machine and costs more than a new washing machine. And yet there are workshops that also repair mobile phones, washing machines, lawn mowers, etc. - and even if it is as expensive as a new device, it is the good feeling of having done something for a better world again.